The Queensland Bottle Tree — Brachychiton Rupestris
The Queensland Bottle Tree — Brachychiton Rupestris originally
classified in the family Sterculiaceae, which is now within Malvaceae,
is native of Queensland, Australia. Its grossly swollen trunk gives it a
remarkable appearance and gives rise to the name. As a succulent,
drought-deciduous tree, it is tolerant of a range of various soils, and
It can grow to 18–20 meters (59–65 feet) in height and its trunk has the
unique shape of a bottle. Its swollen trunk is primarily used for water
storage. On every tree the leaves are variable from narrow and elliptic
to deeply divided. Clusters of yellowy bell shaped flowers are hidden
within the foliage, and are followed by woody boat-shaped fruits.
Bottle Trees are commonly found
planted in streets, parks, on farms and as features in gardens. Roma,
Queensland is one country town with prominent bottle trees. They also
grace the new entrance to the Geelong Botanic Gardens (38° South
Cultivation — When cultivated, trees are propagated from fresh seed
harvested in March. Bottle trees grow best in well drained, slightly
acidic soil, in full sunshine. Suited to temperate subtropical and
tropical climates. In the first stages of growth, the Bottle Tree is
very slow growing, and the formation of the unique bottle shape is not
visible until the tree is about fifteen years old. Mature trees
transplant easily, and can withstand intervals of up to three months
between digging and replanting without detriment. The Bottle Tree can
also withstand temperatures of -10 °C to +50 °C in its natural habitat.
They have also been Planted in Bendigo Victoria with great success. 10 more images after the break...