Storseisundet Bridge in Norway

Storseisundet Bridge in Norway — Nervous drivers (and their equally
nervous passengers) beware! You should really prepare yourselves for the
sight of Storseisundet Bridge in Norway. The road connection from the
mainland Romsdal peninsula to the island of Averøya in Møre og Romsdal
county doesn’t look as if it actually connects as you drive towards it.
In fact it looks very much as if you are in for an icy bath as you
plummet off its 23 meters height. 14 more images after the break...

However, you will be relieved to hear that this is simply something of an optical illusion. The bridge is built in such a way that from a certain angle, as you approach, it looks as it is more diving board than bridge. One can only imagine the creative spirit that overcame the architect as he sat at his desk. Known locally as the drunk bridge it forms part of the Atlanterhavsveien or Atlantic Ocean Road in English and attracts many a curious visitor. The bridge's design is functional and curious much like an l shaped desk in a modern office, it still is an amazing location to behold.

Why it is built in this way is a secret lodged in the mind of its
architect. It seems to have a different shape from whichever angle you
view it which is, perhaps, what makes it so special.

Even when you can see the whole bridge it still looks, frankly, scary.

So, just to allay your nerves, here is the bridge from angles which
makes it looks, well, almost like a normal bridge. Almost - but not
quite! Storseisundet Bridge.